The Gentry family came to my studio for family and maternity portraits. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to get this opportunity. I mean, this family, they are all beautiful! Kiaus and Alex are two balls of awesome energy! It took about twenty shots to get two of the boys looking right at me and when they did you could see a twinkle in their eyes. Being a mom of two boys myself, I can hear some saying, "That's mischief" but I don't know. Perhaps they are excited about the arrival of there lil sis. What stole my heart was how endearing Andrew gazed at his expecting bride. I mean, a romance novel series could have been written on how he lovingly doted on her. It was a moment I don't ever want to forget. I also love it that she said, "He always does that" when I mentioned how sweet it was that his gently kissed her neck. Jennifer is an outgoing, loves-to-laugh and a makes everything fun mamma! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her. We laughed a lot! Check out these goofy picks I got of her while we were messing around. I'm telling ya.. she is sooo much fun!
Jennifer just glows! I can't decide which maternity gown I like most; the white one looks so regal while the purple gown is stunning! You take a look and judge for yourself. Click on each portrait to see it fully. :) Again, I cannot stress to you just how much fun we had together! I will leave with a slideshow highlight of The Gentry family. ((Cannot wait to meet baby girl Gentry soon!)) Warmly,