Your senior photo session is right around the corner and if you want to have the best possible experience, you need to prepare. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you feel on the day, which comes through in your photos.
This senior photo session prep list will ensure you take all of the most important aspects into consideration prior to your shoot. 1. Book a hair appointment. This is included in your sitting fee at Studio 21. Your hair should look great for your senior session, so schedule a hair appointment the day before or the day of your session. You may want to book at least a week in advance. 2. Book a makeup session. This, too, is included in your sitting fee at Studio 21. If you are getting a professional to assist you with your makeup, book a makeup artist at least a month in advance for the day of your session. 3. Settle on an outfit/s. By now, you probably have a few outfits in mind for your shoot. Several days prior to your session, narrow down your outfits and make your final selection. This includes settling on accessories. 4. Schedule some general grooming. Small details show up in photos, so schedule some time for general grooming such as shaving and trimming and painting your nails. 5. Practice your poses. If you are feeling nervous about how to pose and how you will look on camera, spend time posing in a mirror. Know that your photographer is there to guide you, but it doesn’t hurt to practice a few expressions and poses a few days before your senior shoot. 6. Check the weather. The day before your senior session, make a point of checking the weather. This way, you can arrange to meet at a different location or at least bring along some warmer or cooler clothes. Along with this checklist, don’t forget to get enough sleep the night before, eat a decent meal the day of, and show up a few minutes before your shoot is meant to begin. You can now get excited about your professional photoshoot to commemorate your senior year. Just remember, at Studio 21...
When it comes to scheduling your senior photo session, you have the option to either schedule a full or a mini session. Which option is right for you though? There are a few differences between traditional and mini photo sessions that you should consider as you plan your senior shoot.
Here is what you should be aware of: - Traditional senior sessions are longer. While a traditional senior photo session lasts at least an hour, a mini session doesn’t take longer than 20 minutes. Photographers generally schedule several mini sessions in one day because they’re quick and simple. - You can try more poses during a traditional session. If you have a lot of posing ideas, a mini session might not be for you. Mini senior photo sessions give you less time to experiment, so you need to have a specific idea of what you want. - Outfit changes are reduced. Have more than one outfit in mind for your senior session? You will need to schedule a traditional photo session. With a mini senior session, there won’t be time for outfit changes. - You receive fewer photos after a mini session. After a traditional senior photo session, you can expect to receive 40 – 60 photos, while a mini session only results in 10 – 20 images. In terms of retouching, mini sessions only offer minimal editing. - The costs are different. As you can imagine, a traditional senior photo session will cost more because it requires more of your photographer’s time. If you have a tight budget, a mini senior session might be a better option. So, which option is right for you? If you want to make the most of your senior session by incorporating different outfits, locations, and poses, a full senior session is an ideal choice. If you’re happy with a handful of photos shot at your favorite location wearing one great outfit, a mini session is perfect. The photos of Ashlee, above, were taken during a full session. Which option will you choose? We hope to hear from you soon! Just remember, at Studio 21... |